Execution of JS Code ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ’ป๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป

Global Execution Context, JS engine overview


3 min read

  • Let's assume our code has just complied, post compilation the Global Execution Context(GEC) is created. There can be only one GEC irrespective of the size of the JS project.

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  • Inside the Global Execution Context(GEC), the top-level code is been executed (i.e Code that is outside the function executed).

  • This includes variable declaration, functions that are declared etc.

  • But remember the code inside the function is NOT been executed, it shall be executed only when the function is been called.

Here 1st we should find out What is Global Execution context/ Execution Context and how is it important.
  • An environment where the piece of code JS Code is executed such as local variables, arguments passed in etc.

  • In short, the JS Code always runs inside the Execution Context.

  • As there can be always one GEC, there is a default context where the code is executed.

  • For every function call, there is new execution context is created. Which contains all the necessary information required to execute the function.

  • Once the Top level code is finished the top-level code is executed.

What is Inside the Execution Context?
  • Variable Environment

    • let, const, var, Decleration.

    • Functions

    • Arguments Object (All function arguments that the current execution context belongs to).

  • The Function get's its execution context as soon as it's been called.

    • So all the variables declared inside the function shall be executed, and these can also be accessed outside the function.

    • This is possible because of the Scope Chain.

    • Scope Chains are the references to the variable located outside the function.

    • And to keep track of each function it is been stored in Execution Context.

  • Each Execution Context gets this keyword.

    • So inside the execution context

      1. Variable Environment

      2. Scope Chain

      3. this keyword

(Note: Arrow function does not get this keyword and argument object instead they can if required use it from the closest parent function.)

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  • Here call Stack comes into the picture, Call stack is the place where the execution context gets stacked on top of each other to keep track of where we are in the execution.

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  • Once this is completed it would be removed from the stack and control should be passed on to the Previous Execution Context return statement from the function will indicate current execution context shall be popped out of the call stack.

  • And thus return statement plays an important role in giving a call to the previous execution context.

  • In the end, Global execution shall be executed.

  • The Program will remain in the state as is until its finished (i.e Browser window is closed.)

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